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Happy Movember!!

Happy Movember!! Who says guys are the only ones to have all the fun this month??? This is my juictache, evidence of a delicious and satisfying juice! So if you’re following the 21 day detox, you may be interested to hear how it’s going :-) First week: Elimination phase This week I eliminated sugar, gluten, processed foods, caffeine, alcohol, meat, dairy, bad oils, fried food, seafood, soy, corn, and peanuts. This list is the most inflammatory foods that are in most Americans’ diets. Eliminating them helps reduce inflammation, which leaves more energy for the bodies immune system, helping to clean and detox the body of unwanted toxins in our system. Yuck. Giving up this list is no fun, but it pays off because your body starts to function more optimally and it reduces the toxic load that your immune system is constantly up against, leaving it time to focus on other little nasty things like colds, flus, viruses, bacteria, pollutants in the air, and anything else that comes into your system uninvited and inadvertently. I’ve been doing this a while-but this time it was a real doozy! I had a headache almost every day this week and I started coughing up all kinds of gross stuff! However, once that subsided my energy level started skyrocketing! Lots of people tell you you feel like crap on a detox and although this might be true for the first few days, if you stick with it, you start feeling wonderfully amazing after that initial hump. Week two– Deep cleanse. This week is much more detailed and those of you who had asked for my outline received it I’m not going to go into the details here but let’s just say there’s lots of raw food, lots of fresh juicing, lots of smoothies and salads each day. It also includes fasting periods, specific teas, minimal grains and supplements. This is a tough week because your energy is high but you need to be dedicated. If you take time this week to prep and stock up- it should be smooth sailing! Week Three: Reset the system This week is the best! Eating clean, optionally juicing, smoothies and salads frequently, keeping vegan, but easing back into more grains and feeling great the whole time! This week you coast on vegan healthy foods but the gate is open for possibly more grains, more cooked foods, and more carbs. Every detox is different depending on the state of mind you’re in when you go into it, what’s going on in your life, how easily available healthy food is at the time of the detox, and a host of other subjective influences. This time detoxing I’m realizing what a big role my family has to play in my cleanse. Working around their eating preferences but still including them in some of my food exploration was a challenge but rewarding in the end. Eating is communal and it can be tough to be on a strict diet when you are doing this alone, amidst a family or housemates doing “their thing”. There are ways to work around this, but asking for support and encouraging fun exploration -even if they just mildly participate - can be a great learning experience for everyone! That’s all I got for now- five more days! Woohoo!!

  • If you are interested in learning more or have any questions, feel free to call, email, message or a text! I would love to help you on the journey to health in anyway I can be of service

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