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Writer's pictureShana Heatley

Get a Jump on your Year 2021!

Get a Jump on your Year 2021!

2020 in Review ….

Last year when I started the group, 'Project Self', it was then called “The Lent Challenge 2020”. We had about 60 members initially and even though not everyone partook in the lent challenge, it was nice to gather a group of likeminded individuals who were seeking to improve their lives, through physical, mental and or spiritual health.

As many of you know, I am a non-secular Christian. I was raised Catholic, but I have studied numerous theologies through the years and now truly believe there are different paths up the same mountain.

With that said, I find Lent fascinating! It peeked my interest when I lived in NYC and was a struggling artist, working in restaurants and bars to get by. All the Irish friends I had (and I mean, born and raised in Ireland) ACTUALLY practiced Lent! Growing up Catholic, on Long Island NY, I knew no one under the age of 60 who had a yearly practice at Lent. Why would they do that? It sounded terrible! But regardless of that thought, there was something that I admired about their discipline and dedication through those seven weeks.

Later, I found it interesting to learn MANY other spiritual paths practiced fasting, abstaining, and repenting during specific periods of the year. In fact, this was more common in major religions than uncommon.

When studying health and nutrition I came across the book, ‘The Blue Zones”. This fascinated me because- as with religion- there were common threads running through these longevity geographical groups,” the blue zones”, that were MORE similar than different. One was that each of them had a time to fast, abstain and or repent. Why does this matter?

As I went down the rabbit hole of health and nerdy science, I found out about paleo diets healing health, fasting to strengthen the body, meditation to boosting brain power, hot and cold therapies for inflammation and the immune boosting benefits of family and community. W.O.W!!!

It made so much sense! You can’t just tackle well-being with a pill! It is a multi-dimensional task, and these ancient cultures that had held on to tradition and ceremony had it going ON! They were leading the way on what so many cutting-edge doctors, scientists and health advocates were just finding out.

This was an "ah-ha!” moment for me. Lent wasn’t about punishment, or simply refraining; it was about the opportunity to hit the RESET button, to renew our bodies, minds and spirits. And the Christian in me thought, “Isn’t that the state Jesus would want us in when it came to the annual celebration of eternal life? Wouldn’t he want us to be at our best?”

So, without further ado, LET’S GET A JUMP ON YOUR YEAR 2021!


Group Coaching through Lent : The invitation into an Intimate Wellness Collaboration

This small group will take a deep dive into all areas of wellbeing. You will have the support you need to help you shift your mindset, develop a plan, stay motivated, learn new strategies and achieve your maximum potential on all aspects of HEALTH.

This online, 46-day coaching program Includes weekly Zoom Classes for a LIVE experience where you can connect with a group of like-minded, health-conscious people and participate in a structured support program.


Maybe drop a few pounds? Or more than a few? Eat a little healthier? Be a little more active? Get motivated to run a marathon or even enjoy a daily walk? Take time for Prayer and Meditation? Get better sleep?

You are not alone. Everyone gets stuck in that rut from time to time, I know I sure have! I know exactly how to feels to want more health and wellness in life. It takes motivation. It takes patience. It takes the perfect blend of timing and support, and some laughs along the way.


This small group approach to coaching will have you:

· up and moving!

· creating and eating healthy, fresh and delicious food!

· sharing your journey with like-minded people with similar goals!

· learning not only how to achieve your health goals but how to sustain them over time!

· all under the guidance and support of me, Shana Heatley

{Who am I? I am so glad you asked!! In brief, I am a NBC-HWC (Nationally Board-

Certified Health Coach), a Certified Hypnotherapist (National Guild of Hypnotists),

500hr-RYT (Advanced Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance), Licensed

Massage and Reiki Therapist, and Certified PEMF Practitioner. I have been practicing a

lifestyle of health and wellness for over 25 years and been in the wellness business

since 2010. Check out my story at : t}

***Oh- And let’s get the Big Purple Elephant Out of the Room: Do you need to be Catholic? Do you Need to be Christian? Heck No! Yes- there will be some suggested readings from the Bible, but also from the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Essential Rumi… again NON- secular is the key. Lent is just the vehicle to remind us of our divine worth in the eyes of God.


· First week A LIVE overview (optional for participation) of health, wellness and strategies for the seven weeks

· SIX 60-90 min virtual weekly group coaching sessions (audio and visual access available).

· One specific in-depth topic and lesson including emailed worksheets, articles, and suggested reading list each week

· A Grocery Store Tour (join us in person or take a virtual tour!) Discover new options, learn how to read labels properly, steer clear of the Temptation Zones, and fill your basket for healthy and delicious options your whole family can enjoy!

· A FREE STRETCHY Yoga class -for all levels- to get those 2020 KINKS Out!

· PLUS get 10% off all one on one modalities, including Massage therapy, PEMF healing, Hypnosis, Supplements, and one-one one coaching for a more personalized look!

· And of course, RECIPES RECIPES RECIPES!!!!


2021 Lent Topics: 2/16 Week One: OVERVIEW: The Whys, What’s, and How’s of Health

2/22 Week Two: Food (90 min + group call) 2/22 Week Three: Extraordinary Mornings (60-75 minutes+ group call)

3/1 Week Four: Prayer and Meditation (60-75 minutes+ group call)

3/8 Week Five: Fitness (60-75 minutes+ group call)

3/15 Week Six: Sleep (60-75 minutes+ group call)

3/22 Week Six: Friends and Family (60-75 minutes)

3/31Week Seven: Built to Last: Daily Habits that become Long-term Lifestyles (75-90 minutes)

4/7 Optional: Group Easter Morning Meditation and Prayer


· SMALL GROUPS: Participation is limited to 10-15 people, tops (plus me, Shana, of course!)

· RECORDED SESSIONS: All coaching sessions will be recorded and sent to participants the following business day. Miss a session or have to leave the room? No worries! A recorded link will be sent to your email address

· UNLIMITED E-MAIL SUPPORT: Got a question? Send me a private e-mail with your thoughts or concerns and I will personally respond to your message. I will even provide specific office hours, so you can count on times that I will be available.


It is easy to feel alone in your challenges, especially if those in your day-to-day life are not dealing with similar issues or creating similar goals. Group coaching offers a supportive environment to work through like issues and offer support and support others as you grow. You will benefit from learning with others, as each participant offers knowledge to contribute to the collective wisdom of the group. Not only do you have the benefit of a coach, you also have the benefit of others who are seeking growth at a fraction of the cost of one-on-one coaching.

A small investment for all the TOOLS needed for a Year of Health:

Pay now and get the whole 7 weeks for $147! ($21 per session!),

** if you are only interested in joining on a week- to-week basis- any left-over spots will be offered on 2/11. The cost is $28 per session And again, this is only if the group is NOT full…

PLEASE PM ME FOR MORE INFO! I would LOVE to Help you make 2021 the year 2020 SHOULD have been!!



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