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Meditation by the Sea


Soul Therapies

"a treasure within you"

Meditation is good for you, or so you’ve heard. Problem is whenever you’ve tried it, a voice goes off in your head and the laundry list of to-dos rattles off, or there’s the train you need to catch or the dog that has to go out or the kid that’s late for school. Sound familiar? I taught mediation for quite some time before I realized so many of us have a hard time hitting the “be present” switch. I decided to go back and get trained as a hypno-counselor to help lead people to that meditative state, so they can achieve it for themselves on a regular basis.
Why Meditate? What does it really do? According to new scientific research, it is the new frontier in the health and wellness arena. In fact, doctors and scientists alike have shown it can regrow telomeres, can change our gene structure and slow down the aging process in the body. W.O.W. All this in addition to the peaceful, calming, soothing effect it has on the body and the mind. Without tapping into this potent aspect of the self, we miss a key component that can deepen or facilitate healing on a cellular level. Once our body is aligned to inner peace and calm, it is then that we can tap into our Atman, our eternal selves, our souls, our spirits. It is reaching that depth within ourselves that creates the joy, bliss and meaning- defines who we are and our purpose. 


the Outer Work 

  • Support with Weight Loss

  • Longevity

  • Immune Support

  • Yoga Techniques

  • Massage

  • Reflexology

  • Exercise Strategies

  • Reiki Energy

  • Physical Healing


the inner Work

  • Improving Diet

  • Detoxes & Cleanses

  • Meal planning

  • Pantry Refresh

  • Time Saving Strategies

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Relationship Issues

  • Prana Breath Work

  • Aromatherapy


the DeepWork

  • Meditation Instruction

  • Guided Imagery Meditations

  • Hypno-Counseling: Adults, Children, Groups

  • Teaching Self-Hypnosis

  • Progressive Relaxation Techniques/ Yoga Nidra

  • Conscious Empathic Coaching

  • Emotional IQ & Empathy

  • Chakra Rebalancing

Why you Might Need the Healing Health Approach

Wanting More: Well-being, strength, health, happiness, calm, energy, vibrancy, control, self-discipline, nurturing relationships, clarity, clear skin and eyes, better sports performance opportunities, productivity, motivation, confidence, concentration, abundance, love, self-esteem, joy and zeal for life


Wanting Less: Stress, sadness, guilt, aches, headaches, fogginess, cravings, digestive issues, confusion, insecurity, anxious feelings, smoking, phobias, fears, panic attacks, toxic situations and people, disconnection from self and others, limiting belief systems, overwhelm, sleeplessness, grief and self-doubt

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